Monday, September 11, 2006

Depression, good ol' depression....

My current condition :

The days have been rather depressing for some reason. Maybe it's because I was ill (even when that was for a short period of time). The weather in Melbourne has been rather Crazy for some reason...Once, I was out walking for just a couple of minutes and I have experienced strong winds, the brightly shining sun and yeah....heavy downpours. It's no miracle that I fell sick right after that, huh????

Besides all the crappy weather I had to put up with, my studies are kinda flowing down the ......... I've got no words to describe it so yeah, please guys, do the honours of filling in the blank for me. My study load has also been evidently piling up as I have just simply no motivation to stay on track with anything.

The only good thing is that holidays will be here in a week and yeah, I hope that the 2 week break will actually release me off some depression but sometimes I think holidays can get more depressing as I would then have nothing to do but stay at home and rot.

Oh well, I think it's best for me to go off and prepare for my seminar presentation tomorrow (which I have done nothing about just yet), to save the few percentages for my Physics.


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