Wednesday, September 13, 2006

QUack! QuaCK!!!

GEeezz.....I am wide awake and it's 3am! This is bad. But yeah, was down with fever and having aches all over my body in the afternoon. Thanks to the late night I had preparing my seminar presentation. Got home around 5pm and slept all the way till now!

Good thing my seminar presentation is over. It wasn't that bad except for the fact that I was quacking away...I seriously felt like I sounded like a duck because of my annoying sore throat. But yeah, I was just trying to hold it there everytime I wanted to cough during my presentation. I had a mere 4 minutes to say everything I want (I had lots to say!) and I couldn't really just waste a few seconds coughing, or i'll be practically coughing my marks away.

Just a few more days to my two week break. Not gonna be a honeymooney break though. Have studies to catch up with and finals will be here in just over a month after uni starts. Gawsh!

Well, just to allow you guys a little insight to WHY I fell sick today. I had so much preparations to do for my seminar (speech, visual aids, research...etc...)...And here's one of my art work on Paint which took me forever, for some reason. Maybe it's because the last time I used Paint was when I was 13 and had nothing else better to do (Hmm....Okay....I did use it for the drawing on my previous post...).

So, here....knock yourself out while admiring my masterpiece....

YEs! IT is a skater! Come on, say it looks like one...It does, right??? (This is used for an assessed presentation at university level......nope...not kindergarten)....*sighs*

Here's the other one with arms apart....

I know this one looks wayyyy better, right? Right?!??!?!

Okay, you decide and leave your comments.



Jolene said...

i didnt know u could draw... muahahahaha!

good job anyways..

TikTsin said...

Didnt kno u cld draw too =P

Looks like yr bored off yr shoes xD