Monday, February 09, 2009

Just because

Yes, I do realize my blog kinda froze in time since early 2008...

However, I'm thinking, I should really take the initiative to update my blog just because:
1. It's still (sort of) the start of the year.
2. This year is going to be way too stressful, I might need to vent my anger and frustrations out
3. I simply feel the need to. Sue me.

Firstly, my apologies to everyone out there who actually reads my blog (maybe just a couple of you) that I strayed off track and did not write anything FOR A YEAR. I know, it's not like it didn't happen before that (there were only 3 updates in 2007) =)

SO, what's happening in my life now? I'm in 3rd year vet. Came a long way from 1st year. A long long way, and's still a long long way ahead.

I only just arrived in Melbourne 2 days ago, and this is the first time I'm feeling extremely homesick. The 46 degree weather on one day and 21 degree the next didn't help me feel welcomed anyhows.

I miss my mummy and daddy.

I miss my Coco. Miss him to bits.

I miss my friends back home.

I miss being in Penang.
Like, everything about it, even just being at the morning wet markets with my mum.
I managed to point my camera at many strangers that fateful morning
(and no, that's not my mum in the photo)

First day of classes today. Got a timetable which looks like a whole spreadsheet of the longest periodic table you've ever seen. I have 35 hour weeks with 8am starts 3 days out of 5. And worse, my 22 weeks of holidays to come will be filled with 17 weeks of work. So, where IS the holiday actually?

*rants on* I can't even go to the bank, or go run errands as my classes end at 5 and everything closes at 5.
Just great.

Okays, forgive my rants.

Hmm...what else.

Oh yea. I miss YOU.


Miux said...

Oh finally.
Welcome back! :D

kelene said...

hahaha yes! the revival of my blog! WOOT! (altho i think only you read it) lol